Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Final Shot List

-> Drive Way
1)Panning Shot:Joe driving down the road 
2)Establishing Shot: Alex's house 
3)Panning Shot: Joe pulling into the drive
4)Close Up: Wheels of the car
5)Mid Shot From Behind: Alex at the window
6)Close Up: Joe steps out of car with bag
7)Mid Shot: Joe stepping out of car
8)High Angle:  Wide Shot: Joe answering door
9)Close Up: Joe's Face at door 
10)Over Shoulder Shot: Alex and Joe talking
11)Reverse over shoulder shot: Joe talking to Alex
12)Mid Shot: Joe sitting on side of running bath with knife
13)Close up: Joe swipes pictures off the side smears blood
14)Mid Shot: Joe slams his hand down the mirror in the bathroom 
15)Slow Pan: Newspaper Headline
16)Slow Pan: Photographs on the side
17)Slow Pan: The side and phone
18)Close Up: Alex turning the message off of the phone 
19)Mid Shot: Alex Walking over to the radio 
20)Close up: Alex turning the radio on
21)Long Shot: Alex on balcony, joe in the trees below with camera
22)Arc/Mid Shot: Alex in the mirror 
23)Mid Shot: Alex walking down the stairs 
24)Mid Shot/Long Shot: Alex slinging on her rucksack, walks out door
25)Long Shot: Alex walking down the green next to the house

26)Extreme Low Angle : Trees in the woods
27)Close Up: Joe hitting tree with axe
28)Tracking Shot: Alex running from uphill down toward camera
29)Mid Shot (focus Pull): Alex hiding behind tree, Joe in background
30)Arc/ Mid Shot: Alex still behind the tree, side view
31)Mid close up: Joe's hand reaches out and grabs Alex's
32)Close up: Alex's Feet
33)Extreme Close Up: Alex's Face
34)Close Up: Joe hitting tree with axe (second time)
35)Mid Shot: Alex on the floor facing camera reaching up
36)Mid Shot: Alex running through the wood 
37)Focus Pull: Alex Hiding behind the Cabin, Joe in the distance
38)Close Up: Alex's feet along the woods, walking
39)Mid Shot: Alex walking toward camera (twig snaps)
40)Mid Shot (reaction shot): Alex reaction as she hears a twig snap 


41)Extreme Close Up: Scissors in a pool of blood 
42)Close Up: Joe unzipping bag of weapons 
43)Extreme Close Up: Water running in the bath
44)Wide Shot: Back of Joe looking at pictures of Alex on the wall
45)Close Up: Bloody Knife on the floor 
46)Areal Close up Shot: Alex's stomach in bath
47)Areal Close Up Shot: Ale's mouth, smeared with blood
48)Areal Close Up Shot: Joe's Hands grab Alex
49)Areal Close Up Shot: Alex's head is dragged out of shot 

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